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Carlos and You - Bone marrow donor for Carlos

Carlos and You

Carlos and You

In 2014, 2-year-old Carlos came down with leukaemia and a stem cell donor was urgently searched. Immediately, the DKMS started a big registration action together with Carlos's family and friends. The more registrated donors there were, the bigger was the hope for Carlos and all other blood cancer patients to find a suitable donor. For Carlos, this life-saver was found in the same year.

Winter help for refugee children - Refugee children need our help

Winter help for refugee children

Refugee children need our help

Hundreds of thousands refugee children in Syria, Northern Iraq and the neighbouring countries need urgent help to overcome the cold period of the year. UNICEF provides winter packages with warm clothes and shoes and more life-saving reliefs.

Eine Chance für Kinder Foundation - Get strong for the weakest

Eine Chance für Kinder Foundation

Stark machen für die Schwächsten 

Ein guter Start ins Leben ist das Wichtigste, was wir unseren Kindern mitgeben können. Sie brauchen Geborgenheit und Verlässlichkeit von Anfang an. Die Stiftung EINE CHANCE FÜR KINDER hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, dass möglichst viele Kinder gesund in ihren Familien aufwachsen können.

Football meets culture - strengthening the competences of children and youths

Football meets culture

Strengthening the competences of children and youths

A combination of football training, additional classes and cultural activities, improves the social and communicative behaviour of children, strengthens their motivation and arouses their interest for cultural subjects.

A piece of unburdened childhood

SOS Children's Village Caldonazzo

A piece of unburdened childhood

The SOS Children's Village Caldonazzo stands for a piece of unburdened childhood. In Caldonazzo, the children coming from SOS Children's Villages all over Europe, are staying for three or four weeks in simple tents and bungalows. While the SOS Children's Villages mothers enjoy their well-deserved holidays, the indefatigable Caldo team cares for the lively guests.

Santa Isabel e.V. & Einfach Helfen e.V. - Help for families in need due to strokes of fate

Santa Isabel e.V. & Einfach Helfen e.V.

Help for families who got into existential misery by fate

The associations Santa Isabel e.V. and Einfach Helfen e.V. speak up for families who got into existential misery because of serious diseases or strokes of fate. The aim of the associations founded by the Europa-Park is quick and unbureaucratic help.

The match of the year - get chances and use chances!

Sami Khedira Foundation

Get chances and use chances!

The aim of the Sami Khedira Foundation is to support deprived children and youths. It is focussed in the region of Stuttgart, but also supports projects elsewhere.

DKMS Deutsche Knochenmarkspenderdatei - Blutkrebs besiegen - weltweit

DKMS Deutsche Knochenmarkspenderdatei

Defeat blood cancer - worldwide

Every 15 minutes, someone in Germany gets the shattering diagnosis of blood cancer. Many patients are children and youths, whose only chance to cure is a stem cell donation. The aim of the DKMS is to find a fitting life saver for every patient.

Hand aufs Herz e.V. - Together against sudden cardiac death

Hand aufs Herz e.V.

Together against sudden cardiac death

The association "Hand aufs Herz" (Hand on the heart) gives lessons to youths at school in order to improve the chances of surviving.

SOS Children's Village Nepal - Emergency help for the victims of the earthquake

SOS Children's Village Nepal

Emergency aid for the victims of the earthquake

Ruins, dead and hurt people and desperate survivors everywhere: a devastating earthquake brought death and damage to the people in the Himalayas. The SOS Children's Villages offer emergency aid in order to stand by children and families.