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Bryan Adams Foundation

Bryan Adams Foundation

Help for children with cleft lips and palates

Shortly after the devastating tsunami catastrophe in Southern Asia, Bryan Adams founded his foundation. "I founded it in 2006 in the hope that my name would help to improve people's lives" explains the rock star. The foundation is aimed to change the lives of thousands of people.

Medical and humanitarian help for children in need

ARCHEMED - Doctors for children in need

Medical and humanitarian help for children in need

Child heart surgery, orthopaedics, oncology, obstetrics or neonatology: ARCHEMED projects cover a large medical spectre in order to provide medical care for as many children and families as possible in the poorest countries. 

The Tafel Hamburg made it its aim to care for the poorest

Tafel Hamburg

Food for hungry stomachs, not for the trash

About 20 million tons of food are annually thrown into the trash in Germany. The so-called "Tafeln" made it into their task to serve the poorest inhabitants with what society overproduces - for example in Hamburg.

HEROES boosts for children affected by abuse and violence


Against violence and suppression in the name of honour

In 2007, the project HEROES started. Its aim was and is to work with young men (17 to 23) with a migration backgroud and with the will to take responsibility against physical and mental violence and the will to campaign for equality of men and women.

The ZWERG NASE House offers a short time care for children with disabilities in Wiesbaden

ZWERG NASE house in Wiesbaden

The ZWERG NASE house's offer is unique in Germany

Holidays for the children and the occasion to relax and get new power for their relatives: families caring for their seriously ill children find relief, help and time for themselves by making use of the short term care offer of the ZWERG NASE house in Wiesbaden.

Der Verein von Sonja Zietlow fördert und unterstützt die Mensch-Hund-Beziehung

Dogs as medicine: Beschützerinstinkte e.V.

Beschützerinstinkte e.V. improves the relation between people and dogs

Dogs never stop loving. Dogs always have time. They give the feeling to be needed. Dogs comfort and understand. They break up with the vicious circle of loneliness and sadness. For a dog, it is not important if someone is poor or rich, sick or disabled.

Felix Burda Foundation: battle against bowel cancer

Aid Fund Bowel Cancer

The Felix Burda Foundation is devoted to the prevention of bowel cancer

In an early stage, bowel cancer does not cause discomforts, so that only a regular preventive care can protect from this disease from which only in Germany, 26,000 people die on every year. The Felix Burda Foundation is the most known charitable institution in this area.

UNICEF helps people with additional nutrition, drugs and water

UNICEF emergency aid in the Sahel

A silent catastrophe: malnutrition in the Sahel

According to estimations, more than one million children in eight countries are threatened by severe malnutrition in the next months. Because of droughts, poor harvests, high food costs and extreme poverty, many families cannot feed themselves with enough food.

Providing a good basic education for children in eleven African countries

UNICEF – Schools for Africa

A place in the classroom for every child

Every child has a right on education. Though, in African countries south of the Sahara, every third child does not attend school. Many families are too poor to pay the school material for their children. Qualified teachers are missing and the AIDS epidemic tightens the situation-