How our auctions help:

Moïse plays Football again

Moïse plays football again
Moïse plays football again

Thanks to our donations to Handicap International, children like Moïse can be supported. The little Haitian boy lost one of his legs in the earthquake in 2010, but with the help of Handicap International, he can play football with his friends again: regularly, the organisation cares for fitting artificial limbs and rehab measures.

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Time at Home

Children's hospice MOMO
Children's hospice MOMO

We are happy that with our donations, we can support the care for terminally ill children and their families by the mobile children's hospice MOMO in Vienna. For example, the little boy Anton, who is suffering from a severe muscle disease, can spend a lot of time at home, what relieves his parents as well.

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Therapy Beds for the Children of "Zwerg Nase" House

Stefan and his new therapy bed
Stefan and his new therapy bed

For that children like Lena and Stefan can sleep well and safely, Zwerg Nase house in Wiesbaden regularly needs individually created therapy beds. Our donations help to fund these beds. Furthermore, excursions for the children and parties for Christmas are funded by donations.

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Language Courses "MITsprache"

The proud MITsprache graduates
The proud MITsprache graduates

Our donations to the foundation Fairchance support their language and integration programme "MITsprache". Thanks to the programme, children with deficits in German language get an intensive, perennial aid with help of particular school material and specifically trained teachers.

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School Escort for Victoria

Victoria with her parents and her school escort
Victoria with her parents and her school escort

Our donations to the DRK Kinderhilfsfonds Sachsen help Victoria to go to school in security: the girl has to be supervised round the clock by a person who is able to reanimate her. We are happy that Victoria can learn without sorrows and meet her friends at school.

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Research for cardiac Children

Research for cardiac children
Research for cardiac children

Our donations for the foundation KinderHerz Deutschland support a research project of scientists who want do develop bio-artificial chambers. They are planned to help children with only one chamber to have an easier life without severe complications.

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Mobile Classrooms for Syria

The mobile classrooms are a great help for Syrian children
The mobile classrooms are a great help for Syrian children

Our auction proceeds for UNICEF help to offer "schools in boxes" for Syrian children. The metal boxes contain important school material and make it possible for children in war and catastrophe regions to learn again. Girls and boys get a part of normal life back thanks to those lessons. 

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Happy Moments for Children Suffering from Cancer

Children of the A2 station
Children of the A2 station

Thanks to our donations to the Sophia Kallinowsky Foundation, regular excursions with children suffering from cancer in Mainz can be realised. For a short time, they can forget their severe disease. In summer, the children discovered a vineyard and did a barbecue together.

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Important Life-Savers

Lukas searches his life-saver
Lukas searches his life-saver

Thanks to our donations to the Aktion Knochenmarkspende Bayern bone marrow typings can be funded. Those help to find the life-saving stem cell donators for seriously ill children like the 12-year-old Lukas. He is suffering from a rare blood disease and would love to play football with his friends again.

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Dolphin Therapies for Nele

Nele at her dolphin therapy
Nele at her dolphin therapy

Thanks to our proceeds for dolphin aid, 8-year-old Nele had the possibility to do three dolphin therapies in Curacao. To be near the intelligent animals helped the girl with several disabilities to do important steps in her development and because of this, a fourth therapy is already planned. 

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Clean Water at School

Nigisty and a friend in front of ther new fountain
Nigisty and a friend in front of ther new fountain

For the pupils at Tsegedena School in Ethiopia, the fountain and latrines the Neven Subotic Foundation built for them, with our donations as well, are a real blessing. The gender separated latrines protect their privacy and the clean water helps them to stay healthy, so that they can attend school regularly.

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Animal Colleagues

The hospice pigs Trüffel & Timbo
The hospice pigs Trüffel & Timbo

With Trüffel and Timbo, two special employees swept off the feets of the children at the children's hospice Sternenbrücke. The two mini pigs love being stroked or given food and they are perfect therapy animals, as they do not trigger allergies. Our donations help to provide care for them.

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Relaxing Days for Sisters & Brothers

Happy kids in Münster
Happy kids in Münster

Thanks to our donations to the Toni Kroos Foundations, the brothers and sisters of seriously ill children from Regenbogenland Düsseldorf had the possibility to spend some days in Münster. There, they had a great time with lots of sunshine, icecream, a visit at the zoo and playing and they enjoyed the change from their daily life which is often sad.

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New Vehicle for young Musicians

The orchestra with their new vehicle
The orchestra with their new vehicle

20,900 euros were the proceeds of several auctions with collectibles of Sebastian Vettel - and now make the young musicians of an orchestra in North Rhine Westphalia more mobile: the musicians got a new VW bus which was named "Allegro con moto".

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Additional Mobility for Jannis

Jannis and his new bike
Jannis and his new bike

Jannis is suffering from the rare Bohring Opitz syndrome which is causing severe physic and mental disturbances. With the help of our donation to Spielertrikot für Kinderlachen e.V., a special rehab bike was bought for Jannis who can cope better with his daily life now.

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New beds for severely handicapped children

Marie and other kids got new beds
Marie and other kids got new beds

With our donations the “Aufschnaufhaus” in Ulm was able to buy hospital beds for children that need to be cared for around the clock, like the seven-year-old Marie. This is a giant relief for the little patients, that due to their disability, have to spend a lot of time in bed.

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Niko met Mickey Mouse in Disneyland

Niko and his sister with Mickey Mouse
Niko and his sister with Mickey Mouse

Due to our donations to the Toni Kroos Foundation little Niko, who suffers from epilepsy, was able to see his greatest wish become reality, as he and his whole family travelled to Disneyland Paris to meet Mickey Mouse and Co in person. A fairy tale that Niko will surely never forget!

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A welcome distraction for terminally ill children

A clinic clown at the Children's Hospice Balthasar
A clinic clown at the Children's Hospice Balthasar

Thanks to our donations the Children's Hospice Balthasar is able to offer extra  important Therapy elements along with its traditional therapy. Now the terminally ill children receive music therapy and visits from clinic clowns. During these times the children are able to enjoy some carefree moments.

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Instant help for Hurricane victims

Hurricane victims
Hurricane victims

The donations that we send to the Kindernothilfe e.V (Children's emergency aid) help the families in Haiti, that have lost everything due to hurricane Matthew. They receive food and clean water. beyond that children's shelters are built and damage to schools in repaired.

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Wonderful days in Odenwald

The children enjoyed their holidays
The children enjoyed their holidays

With the help of our donations to Aufwind-Mannheim it was made possible for children to take a five day holiday to Buchklingen in the Odenwald. Far away from their daily problems and sorrows within their families, it was the first big trip for many of the children and a wonderful chance to raise their self esteem.

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Beach holiday for Lotte

Lotte enjoyed her holidays at the beach
Lotte enjoyed her holidays at the beach

The auction proceeds that were passed on to the Toni Kroos Foundation allowed Lotte, who suffers from an incurable neuromuscular disease and needs to be mechanically ventilated, to go on a beach holiday for the first time in years. During this holiday she discovered her new hobby: collecting shells with her daddy!

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Successful school graduation

Proud graduates
Proud graduates

We are very happy that we regularly support the school projekt "the flying classroom" from Artists for Kids with auction proceeds. This summer, it has given eight students the chance to catch up on their secondary school education. A further six students passed the German equivalent of the UK GCSE’s or America's high school diploma.

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100 Books for Syrian Kids

Syrian children supported by UNICEF
Syrian children supported by UNICEF

The auction proceeds we collected for UNICEF allowed the Refugee Charity Syria to buy 100 books for children, to teach them to read. The funds also supported the campaign 'Malnutrition' to save children in conflict and disasters zones from malnutrition.

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Support for street children in Rio

Sports projects are a part of "BOLA PRA FRENTE"
Sports projects are a part of "BOLA PRA FRENTE"

The auction proceeds we collected benefited the Brazilian project for street children “BOLA PRA FRENTE” in Rio de Janeiro. With the extra funds, they are able to organise events for the children, expand school and sports programs and subsidise warm meals.

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Help for the Children from Aleppo

Saria from Syria has arrived in Cologne
Saria from Syria has arrived in Cologne

After fleeing from the Syrian city Aleppo and surviving the life threatening journey to Germany, eight year old Saria, her two year old brother and her parents are now looked after in an emergency shelter in Cologne. The shelter is run by UNICEF and is the recipient of funds from our auction proceeds.

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