Children's hospice Sternenbrücke

Since 2003, Sternenbrücke helps children, youths and since 2010 young adults up to the age of 27 having a short life expectancy to live a dignified life until their death. On their way of sickness, which often endures many years, families can come to the children's hospice on at least 28 days a year in order to find power and relief. Nurses, experienced paeditrists, pain therapists, remedial teachters, social education workers, family therapists, grief counsellors and ministers are always present at the children's hospice in Hamburg in order to accompany the ill young people and their families and in ordert to reduce their feeling of being alone and isolation. The charges for the palliative medical care of the young people are only funded partly by the health and care funds. A great part of the costs is funded by donations, as many families cannot afford the extensive care. The annual donation requirement of the children's hospice Sternenbrücke is at 1.85 millions euros - the hospice wants to open its doors for any affected family, independently of their financial situation.