Children's hospice Mitteldeutschland

Why our child? Parents ask this question automatically when their child gets the diagnosis of an incurable, deadly disease. Families get affected by anger and grief. When there is no chance to cure, the desperate situation asks for a harbourage of life. In Tambach-Dietharz, such a harbourage has been created. At the stational children's hospice, parents, brothers and sisters and terminally ill children find a place where they can go their difficult way togehter.
In this place full of phantasy, humanity finds space: up to twelve families can be accompanied in the last life period of the child. The association made it its task to accompany these seriously ill children, to relieve the familes and to care for them on this difficult way. Besides the medical care ,personal care and grief work are in the focus. A team of professional care staff, doctors, social workers, physiotherapists, psychologists and pastors accompany the children and their relatives in the different phases of their life, care and dying process at the children's hospice.