Mario Götze Borussia Dortmund and German national team footballer, World Champion Auctions with Mario Götze Geschenk für Eintracht-Fans: Mario Götze signiert Trikot already auctioned Closing bid: 16.12.2024 17:10 Closed SGE-Star Mario Götze stiftet sein signiertes Europapokaltrikot already auctioned Closing bid: 10.12.2024 17:16 Closed Aus seiner BVB-Zeit: Mario Götze signiert ein Dortmund-Trikot already auctioned Closing bid: 05.07.2024 13:59 Closed WM-Held Mario Götze signiert ein Trikot aus seiner Zeit beim DFB already auctioned Closing bid: 25.06.2024 17:17 Closed Zum Weltkinderkrebstag: Mario Götze signiert DFB-Trikot already auctioned Closing bid: 27.02.2024 17:00 Closed Fußballstar Mario Götze signiert sein Eintracht Frankfurt-Trikot already auctioned Closing bid: 17.11.2023 17:48 Closed Aus dem CL-Achtelfinale: Getragenes Frankfurt-Trikot von Götze already auctioned Closing bid: 25.05.2023 17:35 Closed Mario Götze signiert ein Trikot der deutschen Nationalmannschaft already auctioned Closing bid: 21.04.2023 16:59 Closed Mario Götzes signierte Fußballschuhe in einem hochwertigen Rahmen already auctioned Closing bid: 12.12.2022 17:18 Closed Eintracht Frankfurt-Star Mario Götze signiert ein Trikot already auctioned Closing bid: 10.12.2022 20:00 Closed Besonderes Andenken: Mario Götze signiert PSV Eindhoven-Trikot already auctioned Closing bid: 24.10.2022 17:38 Closed Star-Neuzugang Mario Götze signiert Eintracht Frankfurt-Trikot already auctioned Closing bid: 24.10.2022 17:30 Closed Vom WM-Helden: Handsigniertes DFB-Trikot von Mario Götze already auctioned Closing bid: 18.10.2022 17:25 Closed Vom Neuzugang der SGE: Signiertes DFB-Trikot von Mario Götze already auctioned Closing bid: 31.08.2022 17:05 Closed Aus seiner Zeit beim BVB: Handsigniertes Trikot von Mario Götze already auctioned Closing bid: 27.07.2022 17:50 Closed Highlight: World Cup Final 2014 Football Signed by Mario Götze! already auctioned Closing bid: 20.12.2021 17:42 Closed World Cup Scorer Mario Götze - Signed & Framed DFB Shirt already auctioned Closing bid: 07.12.2021 16:30 Closed Echtes Sammler-Highlight: Mario Götzes Matchworn-Trikot im Rahmen already auctioned Closing bid: 26.07.2021 17:45 Closed WM-Torschütze Mario Götze signiert ein Nationalmannschafts-Trikot already auctioned Closing bid: 08.07.2021 17:05 Closed Mario Götze's teammates sign his BVB jersey already auctioned Closing bid: 21.07.2020 17:05 Closed Nach BVB-Abschied: Mario Götze gibt uns sein letztes Trikot already auctioned Closing bid: 27.07.2020 17:05 Closed Mario Götzes letztes BVB-Trikot aus dem Spiel gegen den FC Bayern already auctioned Closing bid: 27.06.2020 17:05 Closed Mario Götze's teammates sign his BVB jersey already auctioned Closing bid: 03.06.2020 17:05 Closed BVB Midfielder Mario Götze's Signed Football Boots already auctioned Closing bid: 22.07.2019 17:08 Closed Straight from Bayern Munich vs BVB: Mario Götze’s Worn Shirt already auctioned Closing bid: 23.04.2019 16:31 Closed Signed "Being Mario Götze" DVD Donated by Mario Götze already auctioned Closing bid: 17.12.2018 18:45 Closed Signed "Being Mario Götze" DVD Donated by Mario Götze already auctioned Closing bid: 11.12.2018 17:35 Closed Signed "Being Mario Götze" DVD Donated by Mario Götze already auctioned Closing bid: 11.12.2018 17:30 Closed Signed "Being Mario Götze" DVD Donated by Mario Götze already auctioned Closing bid: 11.12.2018 17:25 Closed Bundesliga Start: Mario Götze's BVB Shirt, Signed already auctioned Closing bid: 15.10.2018 17:05 Closed Bundesliga Season Start: Mario Götze's Signed BVB Jersey already auctioned Closing bid: 14.09.2018 17:18 Closed Straight from FC Bayern versus BVB: Mario Götze’s Jersey already auctioned Closing bid: 16.04.2018 17:27 Closed Fußball-Kracher: DFB-Trikot teamsigniert & Schuh von Götze already auctioned Closing bid: 15.12.2016 16:53 Closed BVB-Weihnachtsgeschenk: Götzes signiertes Aufwärmshirt already auctioned Closing bid: 14.12.2016 18:13 Closed Fußball-Rarität: Mario Götzes handsigniertes Kinderbild already auctioned Closing bid: 27.11.2016 19:35 Closed Mario Götzes letztes Bayern-Away-Trikot already auctioned Closing bid: 29.09.2016 17:00 Closed Mario Götzes signierter Trainingsball already auctioned Closing bid: 13.09.2016 17:50 Closed Mario Götzes letztes FCB-Trikot signiert already auctioned Closing bid: 13.09.2016 17:25 Closed Mario Götzes FC Bayern-Heimtrikot already auctioned Closing bid: 13.09.2016 17:45 Closed Mario Götzes signiertes EM-Heimtrikot S already auctioned Closing bid: 31.07.2016 20:10 Closed Mario Götzes signiertes EM-Heimtrikot I already auctioned Closing bid: 31.07.2016 20:05 Closed Götzes WM-Auswärtstrikot mit Autogramm already auctioned Closing bid: 13.07.2016 17:40 Closed Götzes persönliche Magista-Schuhe already auctioned Closing bid: 13.07.2016 17:38 Closed Götzes getragene Nike-Fußballschuhe already auctioned Closing bid: 13.07.2016 17:35 Closed Mario Götzes ganz persönliche Schuhe already auctioned Closing bid: 13.07.2016 17:33 Closed Götzes getragener Nike-Fußballschuh already auctioned Closing bid: 13.07.2016 17:30 Closed Mario Götzes signiertes EM-Heimtrikot II already auctioned Closing bid: 13.07.2016 17:20 Closed Götzes signiertes EM-Auswärtstrikot II already auctioned Closing bid: 13.07.2016 17:17 Closed Mario Götzes FC Bayern-Heimtrikot already auctioned Closing bid: 13.07.2016 17:12 Closed Götzes getragenes CL-Trikot signiert already auctioned Closing bid: 13.07.2016 17:45 Closed FC Bayern CL-Trikot von Mario Götze already auctioned Closing bid: 13.07.2016 17:07 Closed Mario Götzes goldene Fußballschuhe already auctioned Closing bid: 13.07.2016 17:05 Closed Götzes signiertes EM-Auswärtstrikot I already auctioned Closing bid: 13.07.2016 17:00 Closed Mario Götzes EM-Trikot mit Widmung already auctioned Closing bid: 13.06.2016 17:25 Closed Mario Götzes persönliche Hymnenjacke already auctioned Closing bid: 13.06.2016 16:46 Closed Signiertes DFB-Trikot von Mario Götze already auctioned Closing bid: 04.02.2016 17:05 Closed Von Mario Götze signiertes CL-Trikot already auctioned Closing bid: 04.02.2016 17:40 Closed Von Bayern-Star Götze signiertes Trikot already auctioned Closing bid: 04.02.2016 17:35 Closed Limitiertes Sondertrikot von Mario Götze already auctioned Closing bid: 20.12.2015 18:29 Closed Beats-Kopfhörer signiert von Mario Götze already auctioned Closing bid: 16.12.2015 16:45 Closed FCB Trikot signiert von Mario Götze already auctioned Closing bid: 17.12.2015 17:05 Closed Vom DFB-Team signiert: WM-Heimtrikot already auctioned Closing bid: 02.11.2015 17:25 Closed Götzes „Wir helfen“-Sondertrikot already auctioned Closing bid: 13.10.2015 17:33 Closed #refugeeswelcome-Schuhe Götze already auctioned Closing bid: 12.10.2015 17:00 Closed Götzes FC Bayern Champions League-Set already auctioned Closing bid: 30.09.2015 17:15 Closed Götzes Schuhe aus dem Gibraltar-Spiel already auctioned Closing bid: 09.07.2015 18:00 Closed Götzes Trikot aus dem Gibraltar-Spiel already auctioned Closing bid: 09.07.2015 18:05 Closed 4-Sterne-WM-Awaytrikot mit Götze-Flock already auctioned Closing bid: 09.07.2015 17:50 Closed 4-Sterne-WM-Heimtrikot mit Götze-Flock already auctioned Closing bid: 09.07.2015 17:53 Closed Mario Götzes kurze FCB-Trainingshose 3 already auctioned Closing bid: 09.07.2015 17:54 Closed Mario Götzes kurze FCB-Trainingshose 2 already auctioned Closing bid: 09.07.2015 17:40 Closed Mario Götzes kurze FCB-Trainingshose 1 already auctioned Closing bid: 09.07.2015 17:49 Closed Mario Götzes getragene FCB-Ausgehhose 2 already auctioned Closing bid: 09.07.2015 17:42 Closed Mario Götzes getragene FCB-Ausgehhose 1 already auctioned Closing bid: 09.07.2015 17:35 Closed Mario Götzes persönliches FCB-Shirt already auctioned Closing bid: 09.07.2015 17:30 Closed Mario Götzes CL-Trainingsjacke 1 already auctioned Closing bid: 09.07.2015 17:25 Closed Mario Götzes FC Bayern-Trainingsjacke already auctioned Closing bid: 09.07.2015 17:25 Closed Mario Götzes roter FCB-Hoodie already auctioned Closing bid: 09.07.2015 17:20 Closed Mario Götzes signierter FCB-Hoodie already auctioned Closing bid: 09.07.2015 17:25 Closed Mario Götzes getragene FCB-Sporthose 2 already auctioned Closing bid: 09.07.2015 17:15 Closed Mario Götzes getragene FCB-Sporthose 1 already auctioned Closing bid: 09.07.2015 17:15 Closed Mario Götzes persönliches FCB-Polo already auctioned Closing bid: 09.07.2015 17:15 Closed Mario Götzes getragenes CL-Polo 3 already auctioned Closing bid: 09.07.2015 17:10 Closed Mario Götzes getragenes CL-Polo 2 already auctioned Closing bid: 09.07.2015 17:10 Closed Mario Götzes getragenes CL-Polo 1 already auctioned Closing bid: 09.07.2015 17:05 Closed Mario Götzes getragene CL-Sporthose 2 already auctioned Closing bid: 09.07.2015 17:05 Closed Mario Götzes getragene CL-Sporthose 1 already auctioned Closing bid: 09.07.2015 17:00 Closed Götzes getragene Magista-Schuhe already auctioned Closing bid: 09.07.2015 17:00 Closed Signiertes DFB-Trikot von Mario Götze already auctioned Closing bid: 08.05.2015 17:00 Closed Götzes Trikot aus dem Australien-Spiel already auctioned Closing bid: 28.04.2015 17:00 Closed Türchen 11: WM-Quali-Trikot von Götze already auctioned Closing bid: 22.12.2014 17:45 Closed Die Fußballschuhe von Mario Götze already auctioned Closing bid: 17.09.2014 17:00 Closed Der WM-Schuh von Mario Götze already auctioned Closing bid: 01.08.2014 18:00 Closed DFB-Trikot Götze, Reus, Kroos & Höwedes already auctioned Closing bid: 23.07.2014 17:05 Closed Brandheiß: WM-Trikot von allen signiert! already auctioned Closing bid: 12.07.2014 18:14 Closed Signiertes Pokalfinal-Pin-Set von Götze already auctioned Closing bid: 18.07.2014 17:45 Closed Brandneues Bayern-Trikot von Mario Götze already auctioned Closing bid: 01.07.2014 17:45 Closed Signiertes DFB-Auswärtstrikot von Götze already auctioned Closing bid: 22.06.2014 17:00 Closed Fünferl Kollektion signiert von Götze already auctioned Closing bid: 03.07.2014 17:00 Closed Mario Götzes getragene Schuhe already auctioned Closing bid: 16.07.2014 17:02 Closed Aus dem Topspiel: FCB-Trikot von Götze already auctioned Closing bid: 18.12.2013 17:38 Closed
Geschenk für Eintracht-Fans: Mario Götze signiert Trikot already auctioned Closing bid: 16.12.2024 17:10 Closed
SGE-Star Mario Götze stiftet sein signiertes Europapokaltrikot already auctioned Closing bid: 10.12.2024 17:16 Closed
Aus seiner BVB-Zeit: Mario Götze signiert ein Dortmund-Trikot already auctioned Closing bid: 05.07.2024 13:59 Closed
WM-Held Mario Götze signiert ein Trikot aus seiner Zeit beim DFB already auctioned Closing bid: 25.06.2024 17:17 Closed
Zum Weltkinderkrebstag: Mario Götze signiert DFB-Trikot already auctioned Closing bid: 27.02.2024 17:00 Closed
Fußballstar Mario Götze signiert sein Eintracht Frankfurt-Trikot already auctioned Closing bid: 17.11.2023 17:48 Closed
Aus dem CL-Achtelfinale: Getragenes Frankfurt-Trikot von Götze already auctioned Closing bid: 25.05.2023 17:35 Closed
Mario Götze signiert ein Trikot der deutschen Nationalmannschaft already auctioned Closing bid: 21.04.2023 16:59 Closed
Mario Götzes signierte Fußballschuhe in einem hochwertigen Rahmen already auctioned Closing bid: 12.12.2022 17:18 Closed
Eintracht Frankfurt-Star Mario Götze signiert ein Trikot already auctioned Closing bid: 10.12.2022 20:00 Closed
Besonderes Andenken: Mario Götze signiert PSV Eindhoven-Trikot already auctioned Closing bid: 24.10.2022 17:38 Closed
Star-Neuzugang Mario Götze signiert Eintracht Frankfurt-Trikot already auctioned Closing bid: 24.10.2022 17:30 Closed
Vom WM-Helden: Handsigniertes DFB-Trikot von Mario Götze already auctioned Closing bid: 18.10.2022 17:25 Closed
Vom Neuzugang der SGE: Signiertes DFB-Trikot von Mario Götze already auctioned Closing bid: 31.08.2022 17:05 Closed
Aus seiner Zeit beim BVB: Handsigniertes Trikot von Mario Götze already auctioned Closing bid: 27.07.2022 17:50 Closed
Highlight: World Cup Final 2014 Football Signed by Mario Götze! already auctioned Closing bid: 20.12.2021 17:42 Closed
World Cup Scorer Mario Götze - Signed & Framed DFB Shirt already auctioned Closing bid: 07.12.2021 16:30 Closed
Echtes Sammler-Highlight: Mario Götzes Matchworn-Trikot im Rahmen already auctioned Closing bid: 26.07.2021 17:45 Closed
WM-Torschütze Mario Götze signiert ein Nationalmannschafts-Trikot already auctioned Closing bid: 08.07.2021 17:05 Closed
Nach BVB-Abschied: Mario Götze gibt uns sein letztes Trikot already auctioned Closing bid: 27.07.2020 17:05 Closed
Mario Götzes letztes BVB-Trikot aus dem Spiel gegen den FC Bayern already auctioned Closing bid: 27.06.2020 17:05 Closed
BVB Midfielder Mario Götze's Signed Football Boots already auctioned Closing bid: 22.07.2019 17:08 Closed
Straight from Bayern Munich vs BVB: Mario Götze’s Worn Shirt already auctioned Closing bid: 23.04.2019 16:31 Closed
Signed "Being Mario Götze" DVD Donated by Mario Götze already auctioned Closing bid: 17.12.2018 18:45 Closed
Signed "Being Mario Götze" DVD Donated by Mario Götze already auctioned Closing bid: 11.12.2018 17:35 Closed
Signed "Being Mario Götze" DVD Donated by Mario Götze already auctioned Closing bid: 11.12.2018 17:30 Closed
Signed "Being Mario Götze" DVD Donated by Mario Götze already auctioned Closing bid: 11.12.2018 17:25 Closed
Bundesliga Start: Mario Götze's BVB Shirt, Signed already auctioned Closing bid: 15.10.2018 17:05 Closed
Bundesliga Season Start: Mario Götze's Signed BVB Jersey already auctioned Closing bid: 14.09.2018 17:18 Closed
Straight from FC Bayern versus BVB: Mario Götze’s Jersey already auctioned Closing bid: 16.04.2018 17:27 Closed
Fußball-Kracher: DFB-Trikot teamsigniert & Schuh von Götze already auctioned Closing bid: 15.12.2016 16:53 Closed
BVB-Weihnachtsgeschenk: Götzes signiertes Aufwärmshirt already auctioned Closing bid: 14.12.2016 18:13 Closed
Fußball-Rarität: Mario Götzes handsigniertes Kinderbild already auctioned Closing bid: 27.11.2016 19:35 Closed